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Monday, July 8, 2013

Closet Cleansing

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I'll be the first to admit, I am one to hold on to things just to hold on to them... I might need or wear them in the future no matter how much distaste I have for them in the present. However as I've been sifting through my closet I find myself saying "I really don't love you anymore" or "what are you still doing in here?" to a variety of things ranging from bathing suits to coats to boots. Thus I am establishing some rules for myself to come to terms with my closet, and also make room for some new friends.

1. For things you're holding onto: If you haven't worn it sense the last time you cleaned out your closet and said "hey, you might want to wear this sometime" - get rid of it.

2. For denim and pants that are not in your typical rotation: this goes along with rule #1, unless its a classic or dressier item, then get rid of it. (see: jeans from 2009)

(Two biggest "I regret not purchasing" shoes)
3. For Shoes: Shoes harbor memories. While I may have many pairs of shoes I also have my fair share of memories I'd like to forget. The shoes that I've worn on these various almost forgotten occasions are stowed away toward the backend of my closet, thus I will be getting rid of them.
Now for shoes that lack memories (ie that you never wear) I would follow rules #1 and #2, as in unless they are heels or not worn on the reg,  and/or that may have been born out of the second floor at Bergdorfs, hold onto them. (see beaded Prada heels that I'm too afraid to ruin)

4. For Dresses and Special Occasion Frocks: Much like shoes, dresses also harbor memories; especially when they were bought and worn once for a particular occasion. Do I still have 3/4 of the Bat Mitzvah season dresses I wore six years ago? yes. While closet cleansing though, I believe you have to take each dress in a case by case basis. For example did I wear one of them to work last week? yes. But have I worn that grey ruched BCBG dress I wore to junior homecoming, no never again. Each dress must be evaluated on its own merit.

5. For Accessories and Jewelry: I have two jewelry boxes, one of the things I wear regularly and a smaller case for the other things I don't wear as often or am contemplating getting rid of. That way it's not as crowded and makes it easier to find things. When I visit the not used as often jewels, it makes them seem new and sometimes makes me remember why I loved them so much, and I'll bring them back into regular rotation. It's almost like getting rid of them but better because they are out of sight and I can still dig them out. (But actually get rid of the things you never bring back)

6. For Bags: I'm guilty for the fact that I pour the majority of my money into bags, shoes and coats - which I am typically wary of getting rid of. I am still holding onto the Juicy Couture bags that as a preteen I spent many days obsessing over. Why? Because at some point in time I spent many days obsessing over them. It almost feels like I would be robbing myself by getting rid of them. Not that I use them or even contemplate using them. I know I should just start a scrapbook, take a picture of the bags in question and caption it "11th Birthday!" or "Christmas 2007!" Or maybe a "Past Bags of Instagram" page would do the deed, but I still cannot bring myself to get rid of them, nor do I have a solution or advice on the matter.

7. In general: Try things on sometimes it's hard to remember how things fit or what you like vs. don't like about them. You might even find a really great outfit out of things you haven't worn in a while!

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